HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述
404 InvalidResponse.Api The response of API %s is empty. API 返回数据为空
400 Application.InvalidStatus The application status is abnormal. Please try again later. 应用状态异常,请稍后重试。
404 InvalidAppId.NotFound The specified AppId does not exist. 指定的AppId不存在。
400 InvalidApplication.NotFound The current application does not exist. 找不到当前应用
400 InvalidChangeOrder.NotFound The current change order does not exist. 变更单不存在
400 InvalidComponent.NotFound The current component (such as JDK, Tomcat, or EDASWebContainer) does not exist. 找不到当前组件(JDK、Tomcat、EDASWebContainer等)
404 InvalidNamespaceId.NotFound The specified NamespaceId does not exist. 指定的NamespaceId不存在。
400 InvalidPackageType.NotFound The package type must be War, FatJar, or Image. 包类型必须为War、Fatjar或Image
400 InvalidParam.ProtocolNotSupport Only TCP protocol is supported. 不支持指定的协议,只支持TCP协议。
400 InvalidParameter.NotEmpty You must specify the parameter %s. 不合法的参数:%s 不能为空
400 InvalidParameter.Obviously The specified parameter is invalid {%s}. 不合法的参数{%s}
400 InvalidParameter.WithMessage The parameter is invalid {%s}: %s 不合法的参数{%s}:%s
400 InvalidServerlessRegion.Unsupported The current region is not supported: %s 不支持当前地域:%s
404 InvalidVpcId.NotFound The specified VpcId does not exist. 指定的VpcId不存在。
400 NoAvailableCluster.NotFound No clusters are available for the current region. 当前地域没有可用集群
