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Container Application Architecture and Platform Engineering

修改2023-12-06 16:47:12
修改2023-12-06 16:47:12


The modern container application architecture is no longer a single technical challenge, but a comprehensive platform engineering effort. It integrates multiple solutions to support complex business needs. This series covers a range of new technologies including containerization, observability, DevOps, microservices, service meshes, and federated identity. The goal is to provide developers with a comprehensive understanding of these technologies and how to use them to build modern applications. Next, we will explore how these seven solutions together form the core of modern container application architecture.

1. Federated Identity Provider Solution

In modern application architectures, providing a unified authentication and authorization mechanism is crucial. Solutions like Keycloak and OpenLDAP enable developers to implement secure identity federation across different services and applications, ensuring the security of user information and services.

2. Observability Platform Solution

As system complexity increases, the ability to observe and understand system behavior becomes increasingly important. Using collection protocols such as PromQL, LogQL, and OpenTracing, core storage solutions like ClickHouse, Neo4j, VectorDB, combined with open-source tools like Prometheus, DeepFlow, ClickHouse, Grafana, AlertManager, the observability platform offers powerful insights for operational teams to monitor, debug, and optimize systems.

3. Container Platform Solution

Container technology is the cornerstone of cloud-native applications. It provides a lightweight, consistent environment for running applications, ensuring seamless transition from development to production. Container platforms, like Kubernetes and k3s, not only manage the lifecycle of containers but also provide service discovery, load balancing, resource scheduling, and self-healing capabilities.

4. DevOps Solution

DevOps practices integrate the work of development and operations teams to achieve faster iterations and more stable deployments. Toolchains like GitHub and GitLab provide a collaborative coding environment, while tools like Harbor and Neuvector ensure container security. DevOps solutions automate and secure the entire process from code submission to production deployment.

  • DevOps
  • GitOps
  • DevSecOps
  • FinOps
  • MLOps
  • ChaoOPS

5. Microservices

Microservices architecture allows teams to independently develop, deploy, and scale their own services. Providing deployment and runtime frameworks for Python, Go, NodeJS, Rust, Java, Dubbo, SpringCloud, etc., as well as necessary registry centers, configuration information, application gateways, etc., development teams can focus on business functionality.

6. Service Mesh Solution

The service mesh is a key component of microservice architecture, providing fine-grained network control and secure inter-service communication. Tools like Istio, Linkerd, and APISIX Gateway enhance the observability, security, and reliability of services, enabling microservices to operate efficiently in complex distributed environments.

7. LangChainAI Solution

LangChainAI represents the advancement of artificial intelligence, providing intelligent decision-making and automation throughout the application architecture. Combining Neo4j, VectorDB, and LangChain, the LangChainAI solution offers real-time AIOPS capabilities to minimize the repetitive mechanical labor in operations.

Modern Container Application Architecture Combining These Seven Solutions

These solutions together build a powerful, flexible, and scalable platform to support all stages of modern applications from development to production. They provide the necessary tools and frameworks to help enterprises stay competitive in a rapidly changing market.


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0 条评论
  • Introduction
    • 1. Federated Identity Provider Solution
      • 2. Observability Platform Solution
        • 3. Container Platform Solution
          • 4. DevOps Solution
            • 5. Microservices
              • 6. Service Mesh Solution
                • 7. LangChainAI Solution
                CODING DevOps
                CODING DevOps 一站式研发管理平台,包括代码托管、项目管理、测试管理、持续集成、制品库等多款产品和服务,涵盖软件开发从构想到交付的一切所需,使研发团队在云端高效协同,实践敏捷开发与 DevOps,提升软件交付质量与速度。
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