返回结果主要有 XML 和 JSON 两种格式,默认为 XML,您可以指定公共请求参数 Format 变更返回结果的格式。更多详情,请参阅 公共参数。为了便于查看和美观,API 文档返回示例均有换行和缩进等处理,实际返回结果无换行和缩进处理。


接口调用成功后会返回接口返回参数和请求 ID,我们称这样的返回为正常返回。HTTP 状态码为 2xx。

  • XML 示例
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!--结果的根结点-->
    <ActionResponse> <!--返回请求标签-->
        <RequestId>4C467B38-3910-447D-87BC-AC049166F216</RequestId> <!--返回结果数据-->
  • JSON 示例
        "RequestId": "4C467B38-3910-447D-87BC-AC049166F216" /* 返回结果数据 */


接口调用出错后,会返回错误码、错误信息和请求 ID,我们称这样的返回为异常返回。HTTP 状态码为 4xx 或者 5xx。

您可以根据接口错误码,参考 公共错误码 以及 API 错误中心 排查错误。当您无法排查错误时,可以 提交工单 联系我们,并在工单中注明服务节点 HostIdRequestId

  • XML 示例
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--结果的根结点-->
        <RequestId>540CFF28-407A-40B5-B6A5-74Bxxxxxxxxx</RequestId> <!--请求 ID-->
        <HostId>ecs.aliyuncs.com</HostId> <!--服务节点-->
        <Code>MissingParameter.CommandId</Code> <!--错误码-->
        <Message>The input parameter “CommandId” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.</Message> <!--错误信息-->
  • JSON 示例
        "RequestId": "540CFF28-407A-40B5-B6A5-74Bxxxxxxxxx", /* 请求 ID */
        "HostId": "ecs.aliyuncs.com", /* 服务节点 */
        "Code": "MissingParameter.CommandId", /* 错误码 */
        "Message": "The input parameter “CommandId” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied." /* 错误信息 */


错误代码 HTTP 状态码 错误信息
IdempotentParameterMismatch 400 The request is retried with updated parameters.
IllegalTimestamp 400 The input parameter “Timestamp” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.
IncompleteSignature 400 The request signature does not conform to Aliyun standards.
InsufficientBalance 400 Your account does not have enough balance.
InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound 400 The specified Access Key ID does not exist.
InvalidOwner 400 OwnerId and OwnerAccount can’t be used at one API access.
InvalidOwnerAccount 400 The specified OwnerAccount is not valid.
InvalidOwnerId 400 The specified OwnerId is not valid.
InvalidParamater 400 The specified parameter “SignatureMethod” is not valid.
InvalidParamater 400 The specified parameter “SignatureVersion” is not valid.
InvalidParameter 400 The specified parameter is not valid
InvalidParameter 400 The specified parameter “Action or Version” is not valid.
InvalidParameter.IsNull 400 The required parameter must be not null.
MissingParameter 400 The input parameter “Action” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied
MissingParameter 400 The input parameter “AccessKeyId” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied
MissingParameter 400 The input parameter “Signature” that is mandatory for processing the request is not supplied.
MissingParameter 400 The input parameter “TimeStamp” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied
MissingParameter 400 The input parameter “Version” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied
SignatureNonceUsed 400 The request signature nonce has been used.
Throttling 400 You have made too many requests within a short time; your request is denied due to request throttling.
UnsupportedParameter 400 The parameters is unsupported.
UnknownError 400 The request processing has failed due to some unknown error.
ChargeTypeViolation 403 The operation is not permitted due to charge type of the instance.
Forbidden.AccessKeyDisabled 403 The Access Key is disabled.
Forbidden.NotSupportRAM 403 This action does not support accessed by RAM mode.
Forbidden.RAM 403 User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn’t support RAM.
Forbidden.RiskControl 403 This operation is forbidden by Aliyun RiskControl system.
Forbidden.SubUser 403 The specified action is not available for you.
Forbidden.Unauthorized 403 User not authorized to operate on the specified resource.
InvalidAccount.NotFound 403 The specified Account does not exist.
InvalidAction 403 Specified action is not valid.
InvalidIdempotenceParameter.Mismatch 403 The specified parameters are different from before.
InvalidParameter.OwnerAccount 403 OwnerAccount is Invalid.
InvalidParameter.ResourceOwnerAccount 403 ResourceOwnerAccount is Invalid.
LastTokenProcessing 403 The last token request is processing.
MissingParameter 403 The input parameter OwnerId,OwnerAccount that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.
RealNameAuthenticationError 403 Your account has not passed the real-name authentication yet.
UnsupportedHTTPMethod 403 This http method is not supported.
InvalidDiskId.NotFound 404 The specified DiskId does not exist.
InvalidImageId.NotFound 404 The specified ImageId does not exist.
InvalidInstanceId.NotFound 404 The specified InstanceId does not exist.
InvalidRegionId.NotFound 404 The specified RegionId does not exist.
InvalidSecurityGroupId.NotFound 404 The specified SecurityGroupId does not exist.
InvalidSnapshotId.NotFound 404 The specified SnapshotId does not exist.
OperationConflict 409 Request was denied due to conflict with a previous request.
InternalError 500 The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure.
ServiceUnavailable 503 The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server.
ServiceUnavailable.RegionMaintaining 503 System maintenance is in progress on the selected region, please wait a few minutes before trying again.