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简介:function [s,Tp,fm,B,SK,kx,ky] sea_surface(x,y,wind_data,type,spreading); % % SEA_SURFACE: generates sea surface realizations for a given intensity, ?? % fetch, and direction of wind velocity.? %? % Usage: ?[s,Tp,fm,B,Sk,kx,ky] sea_surface(……

function [s,Tp,fm,B,SK,kx,ky] = sea_surface(x,y,wind_data,type,spreading);

% SEA_SURFACE: generates sea surface realizations for a given intensity, ??
% fetch, and direction of wind velocity.?
% Usage: ?[s,Tp,fm,B,Sk,kx,ky] = sea_surface(x,y,wind_data,type,spreading)
% ?where x and y are vectors defining the surface grid, wind_data is a structure containing?
% ?the intensity, direction and fetch of the wind speed, type describes the spectrum and spreading?
% ?is a string defining the angular spreading of the sea surface spectrum?
% ?('none' for no spreading, 'cos2' for cosine-squared spreading, 'mits'?
% ?for Mitsuyasu spreading and 'hass' for Hasselmann spreading). The?
% ?output is a matrix s (size(s) = [length(y) length(x)]), the peak period?
% ?Tp, the peak frequency fm, the sea state B, the spectrum Sk and the wavenumber?
% ?vector arguments kx and ky, which define the grid of Sk.
% ?Examples:?
% ?nx = 101; xmin = 0; xmax = 100; x = linspace(xmin,xmax,nx);?
% ?ny = ?51; ymin = 0; ymax = ?50; y = linspace(ymin,ymax,ny);
% ?wind_data.U = 10; wind_data.thetaU = 0; wind_data.X = 1e6; ??
% ?[s,Tp,fm,B,Sk,kx,ky] = sea_surface(x,y,wind_data,'PM','none');
% ?figure(1)
% ?subplot(211),mesh(x,y,s),ylabel('y(m)'),xlabel('x(m)')?
% ?subplot(212),mesh(kx,ky,Sk),ylabel('ky (1/m)'),xlabel('kx (1/m)')?
% ?[s,Tp,fm,B,Sk,kx,ky] = sea_surface(x,y,wind_data,'PM','cos2');
% ?figure(1)
% ?subplot(211),mesh(x,y,s),ylabel('y(m)'),xlabel('x(m)')?
% ?subplot(212),mesh(kx,ky,Sk),ylabel('ky (1/m)'),xlabel('kx (1/m)')?
% ?[s,Tp,fm,B,Sk,kx,ky] = sea_surface(x,y,wind_data,'PM','mits');
% ?figure(1)
% ?subplot(211),mesh(x,y,s),ylabel('y(m)'),xlabel('x(m)')?
% ?subplot(212),mesh(kx,ky,Sk),ylabel('ky (1/m)'),xlabel('kx (1/m)')?
% ?[s,Tp,fm,B,Sk,kx,ky] = sea_surface(x,y,wind_data,'PM','hass');
% ?figure(1)
% ?subplot(211),mesh(x,y,s),ylabel('y(m)'),xlabel('x(m)')?
% ?subplot(212),mesh(kx,ky,Sk),ylabel('ky (1/m)'),xlabel('kx (1/m)')?
% References:
% 1) Directional wave spectra observed during JONSWAP 1973?
% ? ?D. E. Hasselmann et al. 1980?
% 2) Directional wave spectra using cosine-squared and cosine 2s?
% ? ?spreading functions?
% ? ?Coastal Engineering Technical Note 1985?
% 3) Fourier Synthesis of Ocean Scenes?
% ? ?Gary A. Mastin et al. 1987?
% 4) The generation of a time correlated 2d random process for ocean?
% ? ?wave motion
% ? ?L. M. Linnet et al. 1997 ? ?
% 5) Acoustic wave scattering from rough sea surface and sea bed?
% ? ?Chen-Fen Huang, Master Thesis. 1998?
% 6) Tutorial 2: Ocean Waves (1)
% ? ?http://www.naturewizard.com?
% 7) matlabwaves.zip?
% ? ?http://neumeier.perso.ch/matlab/waves.html

% First ?version: 30/07/2008
% First update ?: 14/10/2009 => match with Beaufort scale
% Second update : 25/01/2010 => returns sea state?
% Third ?update : 30/03/2010 => JONSWAP spectrum?
% Contact: orodrig@ualg.pt
% Any suggestions to improve the performance of this?
% code will be greatly appreciated.?
s ? = [];?
Sk ?= s;?
Tp ?= s;?
fm ?= s;
B ? = s; ?
kx ?= s;
ky ?= s;

? ? ?U = wind_data.U;?
thetaU = wind_data.thetaU;

if U == 0
s = zeros(ny,nx);

B = fix( ( U/0.836 )^(2/3) ); ?

imunit = sqrt( -1 );?

g ? ? = 9.80665;?
gxg ? = g*g;
UxU ? = U*U;
alpha = 8.1e-3;

nx = length( x );
ny = length( y );

% Surface generation:?
% since most expressions for the spectrum are given in the frequency?
% domain we need to convert wavenumbers to frequencies, apply the formulas?
% and go back to the wavenumber domain:

dx = x(2) - x(1);
kxmax = 1/( 2*dx );
kx = linspace(-kxmax,kxmax,nx);
dy = y(2) - y(1);
kymax = 1/( 2*dy );
ky = linspace(-kymax,kymax,ny);
[Kx,Ky] = meshgrid(kx,ky);
K = sqrt( Kx.^2 + Ky.^2 );?
F = sqrt( g*K )/( 2*pi ); % Valid for surface waves over deep oceans
F( F == 0 ) = Inf ;?
K( K == 0 ) = Inf ; ?
dFdK = sqrt( g./K )/( 4*pi );
OMEGA = 2*pi*F;

%====================================================================== ??
% ?Calculate the spectrum in the frequency domain: ??

if type == 'PM'
fm = 0.13*g/U;
Tp = 1/fm;?
SF = alpha*gxg/( (2*pi)^4 )*( F.^(-5) ).*exp( -5/4*( fm./F ).^4 );
elseif type == 'JS'
X ? ? ? = wind_data.X;?
OMEGAp ?= 7*pi*( g/U )*( g*X/UxU )^(-0.33);
fm ? ? ?= OMEGAp/( 2*pi );?
Tp ? ? ?= 2*pi/OMEGAp;?
cgamma ?= ?3.3;
csigma0 = 0.07*ones( size( OMEGA ) );
indexes = find( OMEGA > OMEGAp );?
csigma0( indexes ) = 0.09;?
calpha = 0.076*( g*X/U )^(-0.22);?
delta = exp( -( ( OMEGA - OMEGAp ).^2 )./( 2*csigma0.^2*OMEGAp^2 ) );
SF = calpha*gxg*OMEGA.^(-5).*( exp( -(5/4)*( OMEGA/OMEGAp ).^(-4) ) ).*( cgamma.^( delta ) );
disp('Unknown spectrum type...')
%====================================================================== ??
% ?Convert spectrum from frequency domain to wavenumber domain:

SK = SF.*dFdK;

% ?A real sea surface requires a symmetric spectrum in the wavenumber?
% ?domain; thus, wherever required, additional calculations will ensure
% ?that the spreading matrix is indeed symmetrical:

THETA = angle( Kx+imunit*Ky ) - thetaU;

switch spreading
? ?
case 'none' % no spreading?
? ? ? ??
? ? ?D = ones(size(K));?
? ?
case 'cos2' % cosinus-squared spreading
? ? ? ??
? ? ?D = cos( THETA ).^2;
? ? ? ??
case 'mits' % Mitsuyasu spreading

? ? ?ss = 9.77*( F/fm ).^(-2.5);
? ? ?indexes1 = ( F < fm );
? ? ?ss( indexes1 ) = 6.97*( F(indexes1)/fm ).^5;?
? ? ?Nss = gamma( ss + 1 )./( 2*sqrt(pi)*gamma( ss + 0.5 ) );
? ? ?D = ( ( cos( THETA/2 ).^2 ).^(ss) ).*Nss;
? ? ?D = D + fliplr( flipud( D ) );
? ? ? ??
case 'hass' % Hasselmann spreading
? ? ? ??
? ? ?Mu = 4.06*ones( size(K) );
? ? ?indexes1 = ( F > fm );?
? ? ?Mu( indexes1 ) = -2.34;?
? ? ?pp = 9.77*( F/fm ).^Mu;
? ? ?Npp = pi*2.^( 1 - 2*pp ).*gamma( 2*pp + 1 )./( gamma( pp + 1 ) ).^2;
? ? ?D = cos( THETA/2 ).^(2*pp)./Npp;
? ? ?D = ( ( cos( THETA/2 ).^2 ).^pp )./Npp;
? ? ?D = D + fliplr( flipud( D ) );

? ?
? ? ?disp('Unknown sea surface spreading.')
? ?

% Get the power spectrum:?
? ?
D = D/max( D(:) )*2/pi; % spreading normalization
SK = SK.*D; ? ? ? ? ? ? % power spectrum(k,theta) = spectrum(k)*spreading(theta)?

%====================================================================== ??
% Get the surface realization from the spectrum:?

white_noise ? ? = unifrnd(-127,127,ny,nx)/127;
WHITE_NOISE ? ? = fft2( white_noise );
NOISE_amplitude = ?abs( WHITE_NOISE );

NOISE_energy = sum( WHITE_NOISE(:).^2 );

centered_WHITE_NOISE = fftshift( WHITE_NOISE );
NOISE_phase = angle( centered_WHITE_NOISE );

% Modulate noise amplitude with the power spectrum:?
NOISE_amplitude = NOISE_amplitude .* SK;

% Randomize modulated noise in the wavenumber space combining?
% modulated amplitudes with original phases:?
NOISE_ipart = NOISE_amplitude .* sin( NOISE_phase );
NOISE_rpart = NOISE_amplitude .* cos( NOISE_phase );

filtered_NOISE = NOISE_rpart + imunit*NOISE_ipart;
filtered_NOISE = fftshift( filtered_NOISE );

% Get the 2D surface through an inverse fft: ?
s = ifft2( filtered_NOISE );
s = real( s );
average_height = ( max(s(:)) - min(s(:)) )/2;?

%Beaufort scale (according to Wikipedia):?
velocities ? = [0 0.3 1.5 3.3 5.5 8.0 11.0 14.0 17.0 20.0 24 28.0 32];
wave_heights = [0 0 ? 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 ?3.0 ?4.0 ?5.5 ?7.5 10 12.5 16];

if U > max(velocities)
? ?wave_height = 16; % I guess this really should be a very large wave...?
elseif U <= 0.3;?
? ?wave_height = 0;
? ?wave_height = interp1(velocities,wave_heights,U);

if average_height > 0
s = wave_height*s/average_height;
s = 0*s;?
end ?


